Perawatan Tanda lahir dan tatu oleh Klinik Dr Wee (Taman Century)

Pada Klinik Dr Wee (Taman Century) di Johor Bahru, Johor, Dr. Nur Shairah Fatin Badaruddin, Dr. Wee Chian Chuan, Dr. Cheryline Dorcas Nagarajan dan others adalah dokter diverifikasi dan bersertifikat yang bisa membantu Anda dalam mencari pelayanan terjangkau yang terbaik untuk pengobatan Tanda lahir dan tatu Anda.

Prosedur pengobatan dan teknologi Tanda lahir dan tatu seperti Penghapusan Tanda Lahir, Perawatan Menghilangkan Tato Eyeliner, Picosure® 755-nm Alexandrite Laser disediakan di sini.

Ketahui lebih banyak dengan melihat daftar pelayanan Medikal Estetik dan Anti-Aging, Dermatologi (Kulit) di bawah ini dan kirimkan pertanyaan jika Anda ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang perawatannya.

Tanda lahir dan tatu

Menghilangkan Tato

Menghilangkan Tato

Punya tato yang anda tidak inginkan lagi? Krim penghilang mungkin tidak berfungsi dan beberapa metode DIY dapat menyebabkan anda menyakiti diri sendiri, terutama jika itu melibatkan menggosok bahan kimia pada kulit anda. Perawatan laser adalah yang paling efektif dan tercepat dalam hal penghapusan tato. Sinar laser dapat menembus jauh ke dalam kulit tanpa melukai permukaan atas kulit anda, dan memecah partikel tinta di pigmen kulit anda. Beberapa sesi perawatan mungkin diperlukan tergantung pada ukuran dan kedalaman tato anda.

Nd-YAG Laser
Fractional CO2 Laser
Laser Pico
PicoSure® represents the cutting edge of a type of laser technology known as short-pulse lasers. These lasers are designed to “flash” incredibly quickly, in PicoSure®’s case in trillionths of a second. This rapid flashing minimizes the amount of heat and creates a photomechanical effect that’s highly effective in removing tattoo ink and unwanted pigment. PressureWave™ technology is applied by using a unique wavelength of light (755nm) and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signalling processes that create new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin. PicoSure® doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal. PicoSure®’s ultra-fast pulses and specialized wavelengths work together to minimize the amount of heat that is transferred. Less heat means less damage to surrounding skin and less risk of injury.
Picosure® 755-nm Alexandrite Laser
Enlighten™ PICO Genesis™
Fotona 4D®
Penghapusan Tanda Lahir

Penghapusan Tanda Lahir

Kebanyakan tanda lahir tidak membahayakan kesehatan kita tetapi beberapa dapat tumbuh dan menjadi masalah estetika terutama jika muncul di wajah atau tubuh kita. Perawatan laser digunakan untuk menghilangkan pigmen yang menyebabkan tanda lahir pada kulit. Perawatan ganda mungkin diperlukan untuk menyingkirkan tanda, sehingga anda dapat berdiskusi dengan dokter tentang bagaimana perawatan akan dilakukan. Juga, tanda lahir yang mencurigakan seperti tahi lalat yang berubah dalam ukuran atau bentuk harus diuji atau dibiopsi untuk setiap kemungkinan sel kanker.

Penyakit dan Kondisi
  • Tanda Lahir
Nd-YAG Laser
Fractional CO2 Laser
Laser Pico
Enlighten™ PICO Genesis™
Fotona 4D®
PicoSure® represents the cutting edge of a type of laser technology known as short-pulse lasers. These lasers are designed to “flash” incredibly quickly, in PicoSure®’s case in trillionths of a second. This rapid flashing minimizes the amount of heat and creates a photomechanical effect that’s highly effective in removing tattoo ink and unwanted pigment. PressureWave™ technology is applied by using a unique wavelength of light (755nm) and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signalling processes that create new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin. PicoSure® doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal. PicoSure®’s ultra-fast pulses and specialized wavelengths work together to minimize the amount of heat that is transferred. Less heat means less damage to surrounding skin and less risk of injury.

Perawatan Menghilangkan Tato Alis

PicoSure® represents the cutting edge of a type of laser technology known as short-pulse lasers. These lasers are designed to “flash” incredibly quickly, in PicoSure®’s case in trillionths of a second. This rapid flashing minimizes the amount of heat and creates a photomechanical effect that’s highly effective in removing tattoo ink and unwanted pigment. PressureWave™ technology is applied by using a unique wavelength of light (755nm) and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signalling processes that create new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin. PicoSure® doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal. PicoSure®’s ultra-fast pulses and specialized wavelengths work together to minimize the amount of heat that is transferred. Less heat means less damage to surrounding skin and less risk of injury.

Perawatan Menghilangkan Tato Eyeliner

PicoSure® represents the cutting edge of a type of laser technology known as short-pulse lasers. These lasers are designed to “flash” incredibly quickly, in PicoSure®’s case in trillionths of a second. This rapid flashing minimizes the amount of heat and creates a photomechanical effect that’s highly effective in removing tattoo ink and unwanted pigment. PressureWave™ technology is applied by using a unique wavelength of light (755nm) and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signalling processes that create new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin. PicoSure® doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal. PicoSure®’s ultra-fast pulses and specialized wavelengths work together to minimize the amount of heat that is transferred. Less heat means less damage to surrounding skin and less risk of injury.