Hair Treatments by Dr Wee Clinic (Taman Century)

At Dr Wee Clinic (Taman Century) in Johor Bahru, Johor, Dr. Wee Chian Chuan, Dr. Evelyn Lim Chwee Chwee, Dr. Choong Miin Erl and others are verified and certified doctors who can help you in providing the best in terms of affordable services for your Hair treatments.

Hair treatment procedures and technologies like Scalp Biopsy, Hair Regrowth Injections (HRI), Healite are provided here.

Take a look at the Medical Aesthetics & Anti-Aging, Skin (Dermatology) services list below and send an enquiry to know more about the treatment.


Scalp Biopsy

Scalp Biopsy

A scalp biopsy is a short procedure to remove a few hairs and the skin of the scalp surrounding the hair for examination.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Hair Loss
  • Skin Cancer
Scalp Reduction

Scalp Reduction

Scalp reduction is a surgical procedure to treat hair loss, usually used for top-hair baldness. The basic idea in scalp reduction is to move the skin on your scalp that has hair to cover up the bald areas. So during the procedure, your surgeon starts by cutting out the bald part of your scalp. The skin of the area where you have hair will then be pulled up and stitched together so it covers the bald part that was removed. Scalp reduction is usually done on an outpatient basis.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Hair Loss
Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment

Generally, hair loss is the loss of hair from the scalp (on our head) or other body parts. Hair loss can include excessive shedding, hair thinning, receding hairline, patchy bald spots, or excessively oily or dry scalp. Hair loss differs between men and women, and can also be different according to region and race (a topic still under research!). Age is certainly a factor, though not the ultimate one. Hair loss is more likely to affect males, elder people, and highly stressed individual. Fewer than 45% of women go through their lives without any hair loss problem at all, while 50% of men have been found to have mild hair loss, and 75% with moderate to severe hair loss. Hair loss in men is more of an expectancy compared to that for women. By the age of 80 years, 80% of men are affected by hair loss. Besides, 25% of men start showing hair loss signs as early as in their 20s! For women, about ⅓ of women experience hair loss at some point in their lives, and ⅔ women experience hair loss after menopause. However, hair fall is actually extremely normal for both women and man. Losing up to 250 strands of hair when you shampoo is normal for women with long hair! Aging is no doubt the most common cause of hair loss. However, did you know that you aren’t actually ‘losing hair’, but more on reduced hair growth during old age? On average, our hair grows up to 1.5 inches every month. The process of aging slows down the hair growth (which is unavoidable). So when your hair growth is slower than your hair fall, you start to notice less hair on your head. However, you may want to see a specialist when you experience the following conditions: Rapid hair loss Hair loss accompanied by itching, skin irritation, pain etc. Hair loss happens after consuming certain foods or medication

Hair loss is a common longstanding problem for both men and women, albeit in different forms across gender. Hair loss can be caused by aging, genetics, diet, hormones, or skin infections and medications.

There are several types of hair loss treatment that can be done for you to regain a head full of hair, including Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) treatment, mesotherapy, hair regrowth injections, and others.

Discuss with your doctor to see which treatment suits your condition best to help you achieve your desired results.

Sometimes, hair loss can be caused by scalp infections like fungal infections or skin disorders. These can usually be treated with medicines or medical treatments, allowing hair to grow back after treatment.

Some medications or treatments can also lead to hair loss, especially those involving cancer (chemotherapy and radiotherapy), diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, or high blood pressure. Hormonal medication, birth control pills, steroids and acne medications affect our hormonal balance and may also lead to hair loss.

Treatments are aplenty these days for hair loss, so even though your hereditary hair loss can be unavoidable, it is certainly treatable. From topical medicines to treatments and procedures, find your preferred treatment at your preferred clinic, here.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Hair Loss
PRP Injection Treatment (Platelet Rich Plasma)
Stem Cell Therapy
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is a minor surgical approach where the patient has his or her healthy hair follicles removed and transplanted onto the areas needing hair. These hair follicles are extracted from the root up during the procedure and then carefully planted onto the skin of the bald spot. The FUE treatment is a long and delicate procedure. Before beginning an FUE treatment, doctors will predetermine the resulting density and pattern of hair planted to achieve natural looking hair flow and satisfactory post-surgery results.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Hair Loss
Laser Hair Therapy

Laser Hair Therapy

Laser hair therapy can treat hair loss problems using low-level laser lights that restore the health of weakened cells in the hair follicles. When these cells are restored, hair growth can resume slowly in time

Diseases and Conditions
  • Hair Loss
PRP Therapy for Hair Loss

PRP Therapy for Hair Loss

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP Therapy) is a popular medical treatment for hair loss. PRP is made up of blood plasma that is highly rich of platelets. This is injected into our hair scalp where hair loss problems are present to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. The blood plasma in PRP treatments is made from the patient’s own blood, so side effects are unlikely.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Hair Loss
PRP Injection Treatment (Platelet Rich Plasma)
Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration

Hair loss is a common longstanding problem for both men and women, albeit in different forms across gender. Hair loss can be caused by aging, genetics, diet, hormones, or skin infections and medications. There are several types of hair restoration treatment that can be done for you to regain a head full of hair, including Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) treatment, mesotherapy, hair regrowth injections, and others. Discuss with your doctor to see which treatment suits your condition best to help you ahieve your desired results.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Hair Loss
PRP Injection Treatment (Platelet Rich Plasma)
Hair Regrowth Injections (HRI)

Hair Regrowth Injections (HRI)

Hair regrowth injections are also known as mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is the injection of medications or nutrients to aid in hair growth to treat hair loss. During a mesotherapy treatment, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other active substances are injected directly into the third layer of our skin where our blood vessels are, activating the dormant (inactive) hair follicles and stimulate the scalp to aid with hair growth.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Hair Loss
Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

There are two types of hair transplant: strip harvesting and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The main difference between the two is that strip harvesting involves the removal and stitching of the skin, whereas FUE involves the removal and transplantation of individual hair follicles. Being the more common choice for hair transplant, FUE is a minor surgical approach where the patient has his or her healthy hair follicles removed and transplanted onto the areas needing hair. These hair follicles are extracted from the root up during the procedure and then carefully planted onto the skin of the bald spot. The FUE treatment is a long and delicate procedures. Before beginning an FUE treatment, doctors will predetermine the resulting density and pattern of hair planted to achieve natural looking hair flow and satisfactory post-surgery results. Hair transplant results are usually permanent.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Hair Loss

Low-level Light Therapy (LLLT) for Hair Loss
